Sunday Nights


Youth gather before free churchwide dinner for Youth Sunday Nights at 5pm. We laugh, learn, and grow closer together as we grow in our faith. At 6pm, we gather with the rest of the church in the Fellowship Hall for churchwide dinner. During Adult Sunday Nights, youth are invited to hang out in the Youth Room.


Adults gather at 6pm for free churchwide dinner in the Fellowship Hall before engaging in one of the following at 6:30pm.
  • First Sundays - Men's and Women's Ministry Gatherings
  • Second Sundays - Bible Study
  • Third Sundays - Community Gathering
  • Fourth Sundays - Electives 
  • Fifth Sundays - Sabbath Rest


Following free churchwide dinner at 6pm, children (K-5th) participate in KidSpark at 6:30pm.

During KidSpark, children learn about a variety of faith-related topics ranging from CBF field personnel throughout the world to ways we can follow the path of Christ.